There are 33 volcanos in Guatemala. Three of those volcanos are still active and today i climbed Pacaya, one of the three.
It was a fairly easy walk up, but there were still a few that took the taxi up. A tiny little horse with a few large Americans, they need to get the RSPCA in there to sort it out, you could see the horses legs shaking under the weight. If you want to climb a volcano then just climb it.
I walked up with Jonny, a Doctor from Northern Ireland. He had carried a bag of marshmallows from home to toast in the lava of the volcano, there was not way he was getting out of my sight I was sticking with him and the marshmallows!
Here are the photos. I wanted to put more as it was so amazing but there is only so much molten lava you can post, enjoy.................
Near the start with Pacaya in the back round

Volcan Pacaya

Back on the bus, shoes still in tack, and ready to go. There were some pretty steep roads and the bus really struggled on the way back. We had to get out at one point and walk up the hill whilst the drive plodded up at about 1mph. We all jumped back on, smoke still puring out the engine, only to have to jump back off around the corner for another hill.
Enough was enough and we flagged down a very nice man in a very nice car and 5 of us squeezed in and left the bus, with the Americans who did nothing but moan the whole day. I truely believe that they were expecting to be driven to the top of the volcano, doors open, take a shot, get back on the bus and come back down. That was our summary of their expected itinerary!
It was truely and amazing experience, not something you do every day and that is what this trip is all about.
Gualtemala as been brilliant. There are still so many places that i haven´t been but i have been here for nearly 4 weeks and it is time to move on. So off to Honduras in the morning. Diving in the Bay Islands, meeting up with Jo again and donig some specialty courses. My Malaria tablets should keep me safe now so Adios Guatemala, it has been amazing.
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