Very quiet week on base, the weather is still bad so no diving. We had a party on Thursday night and then struggled to get up the next day to haul ourselves to the other side of Mexico. Jo, Amy, Renee and myself decided that a long weekend to Holbox to see the whalesharks was a good plan.
It wasn´t the mose straight forward journey, we missed most of the buses we needed to catch in order to catch the boat that we missed! However we got there and it was amazing. Holbox was beautiful. There had been no tours going out to see the whalesharks because of the weather but Sunday was a good day, taking out the small issue of only having had one and a half hours sleep.
We were out looking for about 4 hours and were about to give up when we saw one whaleshark. It was a baby, about 8 meters long. They grow up to about 28 meters long, which is just incredible. I may get the opportunity again further down into Central America. If not, despite the muggy waters, i am very very happy.
This clip is just the head but i have another with the whole body.
The long weekend was finnished of nicely by the news that i am an Aunty again. My brother and his wife Leanne had a baby girl, Ffion Eve Lowe. A little sister for my gorgeous nephew Cameron.
Will post more photos of the whalesharks and the weekend but have to dash to catch a bus back to base.
lots of love
FINALLY managed to get the other video uploaded. Enjoy, it is the rest of the body!
This just about sums the trip up so far, at the bottom of a glass!
Good night. This was our room at the camp site four hammocks. We only got an hours sleep but it was great!
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