Saturday, December 6, 2008
Antarctic updates
I am slowly updating the Antarctic trip but the posts will be below day 1. Normally the lastest post is at the top but with this trip i wanted to put it in day order so if you scrole down you will get to the latest entry, day 9.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Antarctic - Day 1 - Decisions decisions


The Great Antarctic Expedition
4TH – 22ND NOVEMBER 2008
Written by Joel Turner
Edited: John Harrison
Species List: Ursula Tscherter
MV Polar Star
The Great Antarctic Expedition
Captain Jacek Majer
Chief Engineer Kedziora Waclaw
Chief Officer Jozef Wojcik
Second Officer Joseph Banate
Third Officer Jerry Malapad
Hotel Manager Natasha Hanson
Head Chef Brian Hanson
Doctor Judy Forbes
Expedition Leader Ian Shaw
Expedition Staff
Chris Bateman
John Harrison
Gary Kochert
Joyce Kochert
John Sparks
Megan Tierney
Ursula Tscherter
Joel Turner
Tuesday, 4th November - Leaving Ushuaia
Time: 12:00
Latitude: 54° 48.6' S
Longitude: 68°17.9' W
Wind: Variable
Sea Conditions: Smooth (wave height 0.10 – 0.50m)
Pressure: 994 m
Temperature: 6ºC
Ushuaia, somewhat infamous for its changeable weather, held true to that reputation today. Someof us approached the Polar Star leisurely as she lay in dock bathed in bright sunshine, others being forced to hurry aboard amid flurries of snow and cutting winds only minutes later. One thing was for certain however; an air of excitement and anticipation surrounded our ship as her Captain and crew made final preparations for a 19 day expedition that would cover over
3000 nautical miles across some of the worlds’ most unpredictable seas.
Once everyone was aboard and luggage had been distributed to cabins, Ian, our Expedition Leader met us in the observation lounge for an initial briefing. He introduced us to Captain Jacek who welcomed us aboard and led a toast to the voyage. The Expedition Staff then introduced
themselves and gave brief indications of their specialist interests and experience. The First Officer Jozef followed with a safety briefing, highlighting a few important rules which would help ensure a safe trip for all. All briefings concluded in time for us to watch the ship leave the dock just after 18:00, churning up the water as she manoeuvred which created a banquet of small crabs for opportunist seabirds including kelp and dolphin gulls. At 18:30 we had the mandatory lifeboat drill which brought us out onto deck in bright orange life jackets, mustering under the lifeboats as would be expected in an emergency. It was then time to find the dining room and enjoy our first meal onboard.
Ushuaia lies at the extreme tip of South America, on the island of Tierra del Fuego, the land of fire. Its name is derived from a Yaghan word (the language of the nomadic Yámana Canoe Indians) meaning “inner harbour to the westward.”. In 1906 the Argentine state founded a penal institution in Ushuaia largely for hardened criminals. The prisoners were responsible for most of the pre-1940 construction of the town. The prison ceased operation and was incorporated into the Naval Base in 1940. Ushuaia now has a population of about 60,000 permanent residents. They are descendants of English missionaries who stayed on as farmers, of Yugoslavians and
Romanian miners, of sailors from Spain and Italy, who signed off or jumped ship here, of Chileans who came looking for work, of a few Germans, and just a handful of people bearing some blood from the veins of the native Indian population. This is the southernmost city in the world, and it boasts graceful frame houses, selfmade cabins and modern concrete buildings; but they all have the same roofs. There are no tiles here, only metal sheeting that is bolted down. The slopes are now being developed with smart hotels and ski facilities.
The Captain issued a warning that we would likely hit heavy swells as we left the shelter of the
channel and suggested that all possessions should be stowed to limit damage. Doctor Judy spent
time visiting each table at dinner, explaining the different types of anti sea sickness medication she had onboard and offering advice to those who were concerned about the crossing. Those of us who were still awake at 23:00 noticed the point at which the Polar Star entered open water as she began to roll. Even though we were in strong winds, the ship’s movements were lessened as we had a following sea thus were not forced to battle the swells.
Day 2 - At Sea, Atlantic Ocean, heading for the Falklands
I woke up this morning at 5.20 and knew it would be beautiful outside so put my coat on over my pyjamas and went out on deck. There were lots of birds flying around, Albatross, Petrels, Cape Pidgeons. It was peaceful watching them glide around me.
Breakfast was a buffet, to much food but i managed to indulge in some of the things i hadn´t seen for a while, Sausages!
Someone is sick with Nobo Virus so everyone is on cleaning stations, if it gets out the whole ship could go down with it.
Three great lectures today, i learnt so much. Natural History and Geology of the Falklands, Introduction to bird life on the Falklands and Digital photography. Despite some of the obvious points in this lecture i still have lots of headless birds.
We are making good time and should get to the Falklands at 1am. When we wake up we will go on land, i can´t wait.
Not to much happened today but it was fun to people watch. The boat is definatley starting to divide. With 94 people you will never meet everyone but there is a younger crowd, which i am pleased about.
The food is excellent. Ended the night in the bar with Ursula, Joel, Chris and John. The staff are all great. Ursula is a whale expert and i can´t wait to hear her lecture. She told me that it may be to early for whale spotting but i am praying that we can just see one.
This trip is amazing, i don´t know how i will sleep tonight but with a few long days ahead i hope it is soon.

Day 3 - New Island and West Point Island, West Falklands
New Island is a national park owned by two families. We walked up to the cliffs to see hundred of breeding birds. Black browed Albatross, Rockhopper penguins and Blue-eyes shags, many of them sitting on eggs. Wathing the birds behavious was facinating. It was also nice to get off the ship and have a walk and some fresh air.
Back to the ship for lunch whilst we travelled 3 hours south to West point. Here we had a long hike to see more nesting birds. I was amazed how unphased they were by us, we had to be at least 5 meters away but there was 94 of us in red jackets. I got a gret photo of an Albatross turning her egg. I was concentrating so much on the egg that most of the shots are without a head!
On the way back the Napiers, who own the land, layed on a massive afternoon tea. China cups, English tea and coffee and walnut cake, plus much much more.
On the way back to the ship there were some commerson dolphins in the harbour, playing around in the bow of the zodiacs.
Back on board and we are heading for Stanley. The weather has been forecast as galeforce storms straight on the nose so it could be a rough night.
After the briefing we watched the Blue Planet, it made me feel very excited about the days ahead, Very soon we will be seeing this for ourselves..

Day 4- Stanley
Last night was rough, Luckily i was rocking from head to toe, if was was left to right i would have been on the floor as sick as a dog.
Boarded the Zodoacs and headed into Stanely for what we thought was a history tour. It was dissapointing, it was more of a local tour. I certainly learnt alot about the guide, including her fastest time skinning a cow, how much the house has increased in value and de sons vital credentials. We finnished at the museum, which was very interesting. There are lots of ship wrecks. It was a snug, secluded harbour - perfect for sailing vessels to anchor.
We had a pub lunch and a few pints of cider and then wandered around the town buying souvenirs
Back to the ship for happy hour, dinner and a movie - In the freezer, David Attenborogh. Finnished up in the bar, i am really enjoying meeting all these new people, it is facinating. Eveyone has a story on why they are here. Sadly many of them planned to be here with a loved one, in many cases they had passed away with cancer so there were many people here on there own. I was happy to share this experience with them all.
I also realised today that my life has gone full cirle. I don´t have regrets in life but if i was to have one it would be about 10 years ago. I was working with the Navy but not in the branch that i applied for. I was waiting for a place with the hydrogrophers, it was a small branch so i was waiting for someone to reitire or die. I had been on HMS Endurance, the Antarctic survey ship, this is one of the many homes to the hydrogrophers and my aim was to get back down to the ice. I got tired of waiting and resigned for another job. Two days later they offered me a place and it was an extremely tough decision. I chose to leave. 10 Years later i am here, not to chip and paint, grease and scrub, but to enjoy and be shown the wonders of the Antarctic with a field of experts. This trip has had my brain running wild. Having the experience i always longed for has now opened up my sights to new beginings.
Heading for South Georgia, 2 days of rough sea.